Saturday, May 3, 2008

I Was In An Accident, Will My Car Insurance Rates Go Up?

You were on the phone, got distracted and before you knew it traffic had stopped, giving you no room to stop and you rear end the girl in front of you. Or, let s say you re driving along and a deer jumps out and rams into the side of your door.

Now, let s say you need to file and claim and get your car fixed. But, are your rates going to go up?

In the first case, more than likely they will depending on how much your insurance company pays out to fix both cars and medical bills if anyone was injured.

But, in the second example, since this will be a comprehensive claim your rates should not see an increase at your renewal. Unless you have a long history of hitting deer then the people from PETA will be out to get you. Or if you file a lot of small glass damage claims then your rates could be affected or you may have to pay a higher deductible for comprehensive in which case small glass damage will be less than your deductible and you will pay out of pocket.

Part 2: How long does an accident stay on my record?

Ok, so back to the example where you rear ended someone. We have already established that you are going to see your insurance rates go up. Now, we need to find out how long and how much will they go up.

State insurance boards usually allow insurance companies to charge for a accident for 3 years from the day they started charging for it. Not from the time you got into the accident. You got in the accident in December and your policy runs from October to April. Your rates won t be affected until April of the next year and the surcharge will drop off 3 years from that April.

How much will your rates go up? Are they trying to get back the money they paid out for my claim? You can usually expect a rate increase of between 20-40% on average per six months. They could go up even more if you lose some discounts you were getting, such as a claim free discount.

The increase is not a recoupment of the monies paid out by your insurance company. It is designed to charge you a premium based on the risk, or chance, that you will get into another accident in the next 3 years. You are a higher risk to the insurance company and they are able to charge you for the higher risk you present to them.

If it was based on how much the insurance company paid out then you wouldn t be able to afford it if you totaled out your 2004 Nissan Maxima at $25,000 and you had to pay that back within the 3 year surcharge period. Makes sense? Good, now get off the cell phone!

A. Chris Tijerina has over 3 years of experience in the auto insurance industry and has seen many different people deal with auto insurance related problems. answers many of the questions facing drivers today.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

When do you need environmental insurance

If you are chasing some commercial real estate, or you want to buy one soon, you should go and check the ownership of any signs of pollution or toxic contamination. The environmental problem could have been caused by toxic waste from the polluted land, water, soil or the building structure itself. If left as is, could affect not only the source building, but also the properties near bankruptcy. If not, the owner may face lawsuits and claims and the costs of cleaning to clear the toxic waste and pollutants. The total cost of clean-up could be involved staggering and might even go beyond the value of the property itself. If there is contamination, the authorities can take action and you may be faced with penalties in relation to laws governing the environment.
Being the owner or the last owner of the property may mean that you will be held responsible for the toxins and poisons spreading to nearby buildings . Possible charges against you would include actions personal injury or property damage. In such cases, as you protect yourself and your company from getting into trouble?
Many local, state, federal and environmental laws are in their infancy, most with less than 20 years. As the new laws are passed to " old " laws are changed continuously. This will sometimes overwhelm a potential buyer: Do not let this happen to you. With the laws of hundred there, only some are vital to improve their understanding of the environment liabilities.
Among existing environmental regulations, the two most important and well known are the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) promulgated in 1980 , And the revised and improved, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, also known as SARA, which was promulgated in 1986. To cope with rising costs until it contaminated and abandoned properties various departments and organizations have set up central funds to help in the process of cleaning and to help recover their related parties losses.
Perhaps feel that you purchase a new policy would be be offensive to its financial situation. If so, remember to read and review their current commercial general liability (CGL) insurance policy. Some references can be found in past cases in court that the statements found in Commercial General Liability policies cover fees for environmental problems toxic or harmful, even if it was not openly made known by the seller of insurance. This trend of court cases has caused the insurance companies to review and amend the terms and conditions of its CGL policies so that it will not cover expenses and payments for environmental problems and pollution.
Recently, insurance companies decided to launch new policies to especially designed for insurance to cover environmental risks of commercial property. Some of the newly launched policies for inclusion in the areas of coverage of the risks of payment for the property of cleaning up pollution, the damage to the properties of a third or injury, claims of third parties for the cleaning of payments because of pollution caused by the policy of the owner of the property that is unsafe within the site and also to the risks of cleaning the properties that are not owned by anyone, and any accumulated payments to third parties to claim payment of the cost of transporting products that caused the pollution problems in their area.
The insurance companies also have developed special insurance policies for companies that are considering investing in abandoned industrial sites. The term " abandoned " refers to commercial establishments which are not developed, although they are considered commercial sites because of excessive contamination and pollution in the area. Without such policies, these sites will underdeveloped as developers may not necessarily want to take such high risks that may result in lawsuits related to the environment issues.
To prevented from taking in too much business risk by going over their country and place of state law as pollution and the environment. Take into consideration the amount you may have to pay the overall responsibility and if you& 39;re found guilty of causing pollution and harm the farms and damage to properties located near you. If the laws are written in terms that you find difficult to understand, you must look to the help of lawyers who are knowledgeable in the field of environmental and pollution laws. You can then decide whether you need environmental insurance policies to help in case of lawsuits in the areas.
About Author: Garris Thorntenson is a general contractor and knows the importance of achieving good defense contractors with insurance. One of the policies he is the environmental liability insurance, and he recommends the specialists in J6 insurance for its own experience in this field.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Information Regarding Life Settlement Policy

Life settlement policy information is most required for the people who make a life settlement policy. Life settlement policy is a financial transaction which helps the seller of the policy to obtain more cash value compared to the purchase price. Life settlement policy is a policy made with the life insurance company for an amount required by the life settlement company. Generally, when a life insurance or settlement policy is taken by the policy holder for the required amount, sometimes it has been taken without knowing the purpose and benefits provided by the policy. More number of life settlement policies is sold by different life insurance companies as per the requirements and demands of the users.
More number of policy holders purchases the life settlement policy without knowing the useful services rendered by the policy. It is commonly known that life settlement policy provides more premiums higher than the purchase price of the policy at the time of sale of life settlement policy. When the life settlement policy is listed in the market, the seller should list the property with the information needed for the policy. Nowadays, more number of seniors and old peoples are utilizing the policy services offered by the life settlement company. Almost, every senior citizen obtains the life settlement policy for their life to have a settled life.
Adequate and Reliable Adequate and reliable information is to be provided to the policy holder properly and informatively. When the policy holder fetches life insurance policy from the company or if he purchases the policy from outside, he should be given adequate and reliable information. Based on the life expectancy of the life settlement policy, the life settlement policy will be sold in the market. Therefore, it is required that proper information should be displayed and inform to the policy holders. Information regarding the purchase, sale, benefits, terms, conditions, interest rate and maturity of the life settlement policy should be conveyed to the life insurance policy holder.
The life settlement policy will be sold in the market, based on the life expectancy, value and age. Even life settlement policy is sold for a reasonable price by the seller, and then more number of people purchases the policy from seller. Life settlement policy is important for the development of the economy and to facilitate the customer, the life settlement policy is sold in the secondary market. The policy holder obtains all interest and benefit at the time of maturity of the policy.
Ron Victor is a Expert Author for written many articles like senior life insurance policy settlements,Life insurance settlements,Secure Life Settlements and National viatical association. For more information visit our site. Contact me at

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why Assurant Health is your best choice for Health Insurance?

With all the health insurance options that are available today you might be wondering which company is right for me. Most of us purchase health insurance based on impulse. We look at the next TV ad or some mailer that we got. The reason I can say that is because I ve been in health insurance industry as insurance broker for over a decade. I will share with you things you should look for when shopping for health insurance. Also I will share with you a company which offers best options you can possibly get in health insurance coverage.
The reality is most of us are educated by insurance companies on what to look for in health insurance coverage. We are misled in looking for featured in coverage that insurance companies tell us we should look for. We go to insurance company s websites to educate our self about insurance, which is completely absurd. I can reassure you that insurance companies are not going to tell you on what you truly should be looking for. I bet if I was going to ask you what to look for in health insurance coverage you might tell me things like; Deductible, co-pays, low monthly premiums. Well . Maybe. Let ask our self s on why do we have health insurance coverage in the first place? To protect our self from large unexpected medical bills. That would be a true statement that is what insurance is intended to do.
There is more to health insurance plans and companies than you ever thought. Let me ask you this question If god forbid critical emergency did happen to you and you required a specialist, would you would to have access to the best specialist in the world or some local doctor? There are literally millions of people die every year because they did not have access to the specialist. Most presidents of the United States if ever required a specialist were taken to Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic is a world class hospital known around the world as the best medical facility for major illnesses and accidents. Do you think your insurance company will let you get treatment at Mayo Clinic? The answer is absolutely not, not a chance. What if you were in a car accident and there decision had to be made where your leg had to be cut of because the place that you were treated at did not have the right specialist to reconstruct the leg and your health insurance company was not willing to pay for reconstruction surgery at a facility like Moyo Clinic. Well at least you know you saved couple of buck on your health insurance that you called from one-eight hundred number that you saw on that TV commercial.
The coverage that I wanted to share with you is offered by not yet very known insurance company. The company itself has been around longer than any other health insurance company in the world. They have been in business since 1892 and the name is Fortis. Fortis in early 2006 was the 26th largest company in the world. The health insurance is marketed under name of Assurant Health. Assurant Health is know a quality company that provides health insurance to families, self-employed, individuals, small businesses and large businesses. Assurant Health has a slogan that goes like this Our Health Plan is Based on Yours . Why Assurant Health is so much better that anything that is available on health insurance market today.
Assurant Health has easy and flexible portfolio of plans to choose from. Also every plan that Assurant Health offers is customizable. Some plans lets you choose how many doctor visits you want the insurance company to pay for. How much of a co-pay do you want to have. Every option that you ad or delete, accordingly lowers or increases your monthly premium. For example for someone like me who is healthy and has not been to a doctor for over five years and do not have coverage for doctor visits and save myself almost one hundred dollars per month. Considering that average doctor visit is sixty five dollars. That means over five years I saved myself almost six thousand dollars. As we discussed earlier let take a look at what is truly important in health insurance coverage. First I am going to mention options that Assurant Health Plans offer that other companies do not. If you think it is not the case with your coverage just stop reading this because it will be just waist of your time. I ve been in the industry long enough to tell you how plans work. If you think you know how your plans work than obviously you are the expert and you should stop reading this article.
Options that Assurant Plans Include that your plan does not.
Worldwide coverage, 24 hours a day. It doesn t matter whether you re nearby or Far from home-you re covered.
Initial rate guarantees-up to 36 months available. You ll lock in your premium rate for at least the first 12 month. With many deductibles you have a 24-month rate guarantee-and the option to extend it to a full 36 month!
Lifetime benefit maximum options up to $8 million You choose the amount of protection you want.
Your choice of doctors and hospitals You ll have access to some of the largest and best preferred provider (PPO) networks in the nation.
No referrals necessary to see a specialist You don t have to jump through hoops when you need a specialist s care-simply make an appointment.
Single deductible for accidents. In the event there s an accident involving more than one person in your family you ll pay only one deductible.
No limit on Intensive Care Unit (ICU) With no daily dollar limit when confined in an ICU, you ll have the peace of mind you need at a critical time.
Healthy Discount Available in most states, Healthy Discount rewards you for maintaining your good health by providing 10% off your renewal rates.
Some of these benefits will not make any sense and I can share story after story how not having even one of those benefits could cause tragic consequences to you or your family. Assurant Health is your number one most reliable and most affordable choice for health insurance. For more information on Assurant Health Plans visit
Dennis Alexander Is leading online authority on consumer health insurance education. He dedicated year of research and educating families, individuals and small business owners and their health insurance options. Currently he is active insurance agent and consultant in State of California and maintains website for Health Insurance at

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