Monday, March 17, 2008

Life Insurance for Women

If you are married with a family or one of the working women, women certainly need life insurance. Over the past decade, the role of women, even married with families has changed dramatically. In cases where women were primarily based on the home years ago, they are now equal parts work force.
With most families in America depends two incomes is surprising to hear that women today are often under insured, especially when it comes about life insurance.
Fifty years ago, women mostly worked at home. Those who did work tend to work for a part-time and receive far less money than their husbands. If the wife died, the family income was not very affected because the amount was small percentage of the total household income and a husband stationed on earnings. Women also depend on their husbands for life insurance. His life insurance coverage will be the one that will protect the financial well-being of the family when he tragically died. At that time, women were not buyers of life insurance policies, as it does not needed.
Today things totally different. Women work outside the home, and are now receiving salaries at times more than men. Even when women take time out and have children, they eventually return to work and provide a significant portion of family income goes. Why is it then that so many women, underutilized, when it comes to life insurance? Despite all the changes, many married women still rely on their husbands " insurance policy to protect them, not understanding that the family can now be equally in the financial impact if it die.
Surprisingly, single women also on-insured. Single women should think about their own financial security because they have no one else to rely on. If they have children, then this is essential. As children survive financially if it does not exist?
The arguments quite convincing, but women continue to neglect their own needs life insurance. One possible reason is cost. Earlier, when buying life insurance, it has always been men who were favoured. The most ideal were men aged 30-45 in good health. Times have changed again. Women can find great bargains when it comes to life insurance coverage. Even if women have a much greater responsibility in society, they still tend to be longer than men. The average woman outlives men by about seven years, and insurance companies have been meaning of this. The longer we live, the more we pay dues. Some companies offer healthy women thirty years in the amount of $ 250000 dollars, ten-year lifespan policy for less than ten dollars per month. The rate only slightly inflates for a healthy forty years woman.
In today& 39;s world, women should examine their life insurance needs. Their financial contributions to the family, is of greater importance than in the past. All women should consider their own and their loved ones future financial security.
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